Resource Guides
Our resource guides cover frequently asked questions and common mentor problems.

Click each guide to review it. Please be sure to reach out to your coordinator if you have any questions or issues!

Partner Resources
We work with many great local partners that offer a variety of resources for Mentors!

  • Activity Centers
  • Free Classes
  • Free Cakes
  • Free Bikes
  • & MORE!

Please click here to view our partner page!

Trauma Training
Check out these resources and learning tools to help you better understand trauma in children.

Click each topic to review it. Please note that these are third party resources.

Mindspring Webinars
Mindspring is a website that offers free mental health webinars. Many of these webinars include topics like Understanding Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Childhood Trauma and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Caregivers can help mentors gain new levels of understanding for issues that children in foster care tend to face. Other topics like Creating a Low-Stress Environment and Minimizing Crises or Conflict Management and Problem-Solving in Relationships can help mentors learn skills to help grow their relationship with their mentee – or even help in other areas of your life! Topics include:

  • Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

Please click here to see all available webinar summaries!

Social Media
Check us out on your favorite social media site. This is a great way to stay connected!

Click above to find our profiles. Don’t forget to invite your family and friends to like us, too!