Thrive’s vision: To provide hope and resources for at-risk families and aged out young adults so that they can THRIVE.
Thrive AZ Housing is a one-year drug and alcohol-free, faith based, semi-supervised transitional housing program geared toward young adults between ages 18-24 who have Aged Out of the Foster Care system or spent time in the Foster Care system. Our goal at Thrive AZ Housing is to help motivate and move men and women towards self-sufficiency instead of enabling dependency. Individuals and families in this program are expected to work to develop the skills needed to maintain permanent housing, obtain employment that pays a living wage, and live independently.
If your mentee is nearing the age of 18 and looking for their next steps, you can connect with their case worker to submit a referral to Thrive. You can also contact their Aged Out Coordinator for further assistance and details. Click here for more details on their website!